kumoa Daily Use Cap


Do you usually wear a helmet when you ride your bike?
It doesn't match the clothes, it's uncool... it's bother...
Wouldn't you ride a bike without a helmet?
The image of a bicycle helmet is that it is hard to match it with your casual wear because of its flashy shape and color.
We aimed to create a helmet that will make you feel
positive and want to wear it.
It is kumoa's hope that this will inspire people
to wear helmets when they ride their bikes.

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  • kumoa クモア自転車用ヘルメット
  • kumoa クモア自転車用ヘルメット
  • kumoa クモア自転車用ヘルメット
  • kumoa クモア自転車用ヘルメットカタログ
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    kumoa クモア自転車用ヘルメットロゴデザイン